How to Light a Fire Under Your Ass: Working Out Edition


(Photo by Camster Factor)

So I have developed this new segment that is called, “Light a Fire under Your Ass”

Essentially what these segments will be simple, yet effective, tips and motivations for you to get things accomplished in your life

These are perfect for being taped to your fridge or office door or in this case, on top of your bag of Doritos……

So, how often are you going to the gym in any given week?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 7 out of 10 Americans do not get recommended exercise with 55% of Americans do not work out as per the recommend amounts (3 days a week for 20 minutes) and that 26% of Americans partake in no physical activity whatsoever

So chances are, you are busying sipping on your Starbucks latte and reading this article instead of doing a short workout to start your day 😉

What does this mean?

It means that your love handles have become your “most loving” handles and your stomach has become somewhat reminiscent of the Pillsbury dough boy

Fear not, I am here to kick your ass into gear and give you some much needed ammunition in order to haul your ass to your gym, home workout equipment, or even ab-lounge in a concise effort to make you that much more healthy and sexy

1. You know it’s the right thing to do

This is the most obvious reason for rolling out of bed and working your stomach from a pile of silly putty to that of a Olympic god, but yet it is also the most overlooked and underused of all motivation

Everyone on this planet knows that being active and working out on a regular basis will have all sorts of benefits for your life, and there is no real reason to not work out


At the same time it is so much easier to lie in bed for an extra 20 minutes, read the Wall Street Journal, and not do much of anything

So what is the underlying factor?

You are lazy

Laziness is the only reason why you wouldn’t get all over those free weights or go for a run in the morning

This will be the bane of your existence….if you let it

Instead of making your workout this whole fiasco where you need to roll out of bed and follow all of these long and drudgery induced steps, make it easy for yourself

You are not lazy, but rather you are a healthy ass crazy mofo who is ready to tackle every day with some exercise

Look at the workout for what it is, a opportunity to grow and become stronger

Like the Spartans you to will be able to take on an army of tens of thousands

When you change the association of working out from something negative (I don’t want to be lazy) to something positive (I will feel amazing after a workout) you will change what your mind associates with working out and be far more likely to get thunder thighs under control

So remember, you are not lazy anymore, you are a crazy, motivated, sculpted sexy sob

2. You don’t want to fall into the fatass statistic

Right now there is an epidemic that is sweeping the nation

It isn’t heart disease, cancer, or poverty (though those are very serious issues)

Its obesity

“More than one third of U.S. adults—more than 72 million people—and 16% of U.S. children are obese. Since 1980, obesity rates for adults have doubled and rates for children have tripled. Obesity rates among all groups in society—irrespective of age, sex, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education level, or geographic region—have increased markedly.” (Source CDC)

Coincidence that the rates of inactivity in Americans is on the rise as well? I think not

There are so many people becoming more and more overweight, and as they continue to make poor choices in lack of exercise and poor diet they are not only sacrificing their physical appearance (what most people are concerned about) but they are destroying their health

It pains me to see people getting overweight, because I know not only how society will ostracize them, but also they will face an onslaught of health related problems

I wish everyone the best in their lives, and good health is a critical component that is often overlooked

Going to the gym will allow you not to fall into that ever growing statistic, and keep your health in check

So the next time the word gym makes your teeth clinch, think of how you are taking that statistic and kicking it straight to McDonald’s hell

3. You want to live a long healthy life

Exercise and Health/Vitality are one in the same, you can’t be healthy and not be active and vice versa

In order to make sure you live a long and prosperous life, you need to be healthy and fit

Every time you go to the gym and hit the weights or treadmill for even 20 minutes just three times a week, you significantly increase your chances of living a longer and healthier life

Being active shows that you can effectively reduce your chances for a plethora of diseases, keep weight off, increase energy, get more attention from the opposite sex (woot!) and increase your overall quality of life

I could sit here and list all of the various reasons why working out is healthy, but that would take at least 3 pages and you would probably click off this article faster than seeing a porn ad at work

If you really want to know the various benefits of hitting the gym, it’s a quick Google search away

I want you to live a long and prosperous life, and understandings that taking action towards working out will help you get not only your health in order, but help aid you in getting your whole life in order

Your life is full of limitless opportunities and having your body in alignment for life’s adventures will only make you better equipped

So remember to keep that fire lit under your ass, and get to the gym


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