Now You Can Eat Great and Get In Shape

Getting in shape and being healthy are some of the most important areas in many people’s lives

People literally spend over 40 billion dollars each year trying to look like a Calvin Klein model

So why isn’t everyone running around in tight fitted shirts and staring at themselves in the mirror?

The problem is that the billions of dollars people spend on different diets, supplements, and weight loss books all point people in a different direction for their desired level of physical fitness

There is a simple and effective way that I have discovered that allows for you to eat delicious foods without “cheating” and get the body you always desired

This simple tactic started out from me reading a multitude of health and diet books, many of which I’m sure you have read as well

Everything from “Eat this not that”, “The core balance diet”, “The Gabriel Method” (Ha I had to 😉 ) “The abs workout plan” and many more

I was looking for a common pattern from which I could start to achieve my goal of a more defined abdomen

What I found was that while every book had different writing and hoops and circle for you to jump through, the consensus between every book was the same

Eat healthy, and exercise regularly

I know what you are thinking, “Everyone knows that Gabriel, they start teaching you that in elementary school and even in Ad sense TV commercials”

And the funny thing is, nothing has changed

Many diets and workout regimens today have you eating obscure diets and working out in irregular patterns that are suppose to “boost your metabolism by 50%” “loose 6 inches off your waist in 1 week” and even “Get six pack abs while watching TV!”

Every campaign is different, but the nutritionists and personal trainers of the world agree,

Eating right and working out weekly simply produce the absolute best results for any level of physical fitness you desire

Now here is the fun part, eating right actually means eating like a King (or Queen)

There are many foods available to you, that if eaten on my prescribed basis, will generate you to lose weight, gain muscle and stop counting the last calorie in that diet coke you just drank

Here are the major types of foods that not only taste great, but are some of the best things you can eat to get in shape

1.       Nuts (Especially Almonds)

2.       Beans and legumes

3.       Green Vegetables (Especially Spinach)

4.       Any Low Fat Dairy (Yogurt, Milk, Cheese, etc)

5.       Instant Oatmeal

6.       Eggs

7.       Lean Meats (Turkey, Fish, Chicken)

8.       Peanut Butter

9.       Olive Oil

10.   Whole Grain Breads and Cereals

11.   Protein Supplements (Whey Protein)

12.   Any Berries (Raspberries, Blueberries, etc)

13.   Water (Duh)

(While this list is not exhaustive, it does give a person who is trying to get in better shape a wide range of foods that they can eat in order to get in the best shape possible)

Now you may be looking at this list and be thinking, “This food looks boring” or “What there is no pizza!?”

Fear not, the beauty of this list lies in the fact that you can combine any of these items together to make some of the most savory meals imaginable

For instance

Say you love the taste of fine Italian cuisine

You could make a chicken Parmesan dish that uses whole wheat pasta, olive oil with seasoning for the chicken, and has low fat mozzarella cheese melted over it. All of this served with a baby spinach salad with vinaigrette dressing and a glass of red wine

That meal is something that would normally be high in calories and fat content due to the cheese content, high starch from white pasta, and fat from the butter in the marinating process for the chicken, but has been converted to a healthy alternative that is just as delicious

If you make an attempt to substitute over a lot of the food in your refrigerator and pantry to these foods, you will see an immediate difference in your physical appearance within as little as a week. Not to mention you will feel far more alert and in tune with your body due to the new nutritious foods you are eating

In the next posting, I will discuss the simple and extremely effective workout plan I have devised that get you maximum results without having to create “workout days”

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12 comments to Now You Can Eat Great and Get In Shape

  • Mike C

    Great post!

    I too have read many diet books, including the ones that make you eat carbs, no carbs, all carrots, etc and none of them really seemed to be healthy to me

    Your list looks like a tasty version of the governments food period, but both looking and feeling good

    I look forward to your future post on how to exercise well, it has to be better than my current watching TV regimen 😉

  • Brian K

    Its been a Hard change from my strict regimen of dollar menu fast food, but I’ve managed to make small changes in my diet to accommodate this and I can honestly say it hasn’t affected how much I spend on food which matters a lot to me.

  • Thank you both for your comments. I am sure that if you make an effort to eat smarter on a daily basis you will see dramatic results in your health and phsyical appearance.

  • lol I know… the dollar menu can add up quick. During the week im like a food nazi on what I eat… the weekends, i always tend to cheat… sometimes it so hard to keep your regimen during the entire week. But if you can do that, thats when you begin to see maximum results. Eating 5 portion meals a day ( breakfast the largest, dinner the smallest) helps my metabolism go all day long. Eating about every 3 hours is what i;ve been doing recently and whats great about it, its a lifestyle change not a diet. so im not going to put all the weight back on once I start eating normal again like most diets

  • Hello. I think the article is really interesting. I am even interested in reading more. How soon will you update your blog?

  • @Mike
    Sounds like you are right on track (except for the dollar menu of course 😉 ). Cheating is okay as long as its done in low moderation, youll find that the more you stick to the diet, the less you crave those cheating meals you crave so much

    Glad you enjoyed it Gary. I update my blog at least 3 times a week, usually on Mon, Wed, and Friday.

  • Hello! Thanks for the post. It is really amazing! I will definitely share it with my friends.

  • @Cris

    Glad you liked it 🙂

  • Ruthie

    You really do have
    some excellent ideas. Bravo !

  • Balance diet is so important if you want a healthy lifestyle and a longer life.:.`

  • Amy

    I have just found your website- I have been trying to lose weight for 6 months now and it’s not been easy. I have been yo-young, having good results then bad. I did weight watchers, bootcamp, personal trainer the lot but it is my diet. I’m a fussy eater n some of tour suggestions i would like to try.I had a look at your excercise plan and focusing on one area is something I have not tried so think I will give it a go x thanks x

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