Superhero Quotes To Help You Save The World

Girl or boy, who doesn’t love a great superhero?

Superman, Wonder Woman, Wolverine, Batman, all of these characters inspired us as children with their tales of doing the right thing, acting for justice and peace, and of course, kicking some serious ass

Who’s to say that we can’t still look up to these heroes of our past and still draw inspiration from their heroic tales?

You and I both know that you loved the new Batman movies at least twice as much as your son did

I’m taking it back to the old school for this post, it’s time to look back on your favorite heroes and realize that as corny as it sounds, you too can be a superhero

“Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option.”


“Tarnished reputations are unfortunate, Robin. We can live with those. However, a threat to all of Gotham City is something else.”


“If anyone knows what it’s like to be on the outside, I do. Sometimes I feel like I’m out there fighting all alone. Sometimes I feel like giving up. But, then I remember that what I stand for is more important than anything else.”


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The Worst Advice You Were Ever Given

When people think of advice, they often point to the best advice they got from a mentor, teacher, or some other artisan

What people don’t think about very often is the notion of bad advice

Bad advice is given to us all the time, and most of the time you probably find that you don’t even acknowledge it

Other times though, you may find yourself taking it to heart and putting it into practice only to be kicking yourself at some later time

Don’t worry, everyone goes through this

Some advice though is given at such an early and impressionable age that it might still have some lasting impact on us

This leads me to the question,

What is the single worst piece of advice you have ever gotten?

If you can’t think of one, I think I can nail one down sufficiently for you

“Don’t talk to strangers”

Remember this little tidbit you were fed from the first moment you could walk and talk and even poop your own pants

The heart of the advice is in the right place, protect the kids from all of the bad people that may hurt them

Has anyone really thought about the implications of this?

Its one thing to have kids avoid people telling them to get into cars when they don’t know who they are, that’s smart parenting

When a child is inherently told not to trust people, the consequences could prove to damper their growth and potential for years to come

Strangers are not bad people, I can count on two hands how many strangers I have ever met in life that ever struck me as people you should absolutely stay away from

Children should have some freedom to operate

I don’t necessarily want them running up to every person they see and saying hi, but I know that is a far better situation than a child who is too shy to talk to anyone but their parents

Talking to new people has so many positive benefits that the positives for a child far outweigh the negatives

Confidence, learning, personal growth, cultivation of creativity, etc

There is a laundry list of things that a child will gain from being more proactive about new people

Is my idea radical? Maybe

I say if we had a whole generation of kids who were never taught that rule and never had it impact their lives, we would be looking at the next group of people to establish world peace, technological revolutions, and other random acts of amazing-ness

So make sure your child knows where the real dangers lie, and encourage them to expand and reach out to the many people that surround them

Don’t be a stranger


Screw Networking

Luckily this article is not about how to setup a router or how you should always carry a huge stack of business cards

What this article is about is creating a case for why you should always be on top of making solid friendships with everyone you meet in order to better enhance your ability to not only network but to better connect with everyone in general

Have you ever been to a forced company function?

Traversed a job fair?

Had an awkward conversation with a girl at a bar?

Made painful small talk in an elevator?

Networking is a word that I hate

Every time I read it, hear about it, and especially when I see someone doing it, I want to calmly tell them that they look like a fool (or some other explicative less pg)


Networking has become synonymous with short and impersonal human activities such as social media, job fairs, meetings, bar crawls, meet up groups,  nearly all areas of life seem to have been compromised by networking

Networking in the sense that you have a forced conversation with an associate in order to obtain the illustrious business card

Networking in the sense that you talk about the weather with the girl at the bar because you believe you have to say something

Networking in the sense that you ask/respond to every coworker, “How was your weekend?” “it was good”

All of this reeks of being impersonal, non authentic, and really lame

Networking is not the key to success, it’s the key to being fake

Instead of networking try doing something a bit more outrageous and unique

I recommend seeking out friendships with people that you meet

Setting tones for friendships open the doors to limitless possibilities with every type of person you interact with

The stunning girl at the bar suddenly becomes your best friend (toss some physical contact in that mix and you can create a interesting situation)

The partner at the law firm you want to work for goes from someone you are sniping out for a 30 second interview pitch/business card gun show to your friend who invites you to go fishing over the weekend

That cashier at Macys transforms from a mere exchanger of goods to a night time DJ who invites you to a club opening party that night

I can trace back many of the best opportunities I have had in life to the simple act of seeking friendships with everyone you come into contact with

Mixing business with pleasure is my creed, and it’s a creed that serves me well

Don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself

Head to your next office function and really find out who it is you work with, you might end up with a new best friend

Treat the hotel show shiner with a new level of interest and respect and discover that your next shoe shine is on the house

This isn’t about getting gains for yourself, that’s just a side effect, its about being a better person, seeking out amazing people, and killing a term that plagues everyone’s life

It might hurt the first time, but I promise it will feel just right over time

@%&^ networking


Happy Birthday!

Remember your last birthday?

Was it fun? Boring? Epic beyond human comprehension?

No matter if your birthday consisted of a solo trump through a park or an extravagant party with lots of friends, there is one underlying notion you assumed the entire day

“I am going to do whatever the hell I want because its my birthday”

Everyone and I mean everyone has the self righteous notion of doing whatever the hell they want, when they want, on their birthday

I mean your one year closer to your death, might as well live it up for one day at least


Wait, am I the only person who sees a glaring problem with this situation?

One day out of the year you spend the entire time doing whatever is to your heart’s content

Partying, traveling, smiling, and generally anything that is fun to you

What about the other 364 days in a year?

Is that when you go to your 9-5 job and barely shake through the day?

Or is that when you really grab life by the balls and do things that really matter to you?

Do you watch the Glee marathon on TV after work?

Or are you busy planning your next RTW trip?

The key here is to understand that everyday should be spent doing the things that you love doing

This does not mean running around and drinking to the point of comatose mixed with a healthy dose of chocolate cake, cookies, and anything else resembling a fat kid’s wet dream

What it does mean is spending more time doing the things that matter

And if that means you have to treat every day as your birthday, then so be it

You can have your cake and eat it too…..365 days of the year. You just need to decide to live your life that way

If this sounds like something that resonates with you then I challenge you to dawn a birthday attitude tomorrow as soon as you wake up

And when people ask you why your so damn happy, tell them its your birthday (even when they wonder what it was they were doing at a bar with you a month ago involving a donkey and some cake)

Happy freaking birthday


Lambo + No Fear = Awesomeness

I want to take a moment to talk about this recent story that everyone has been clamoring about

Full Article

The cliff notes of this article are this:

This guy is damn awesome and everyone should hope to have the same sediments about their own lives

Live Your Dreams

Onto the more thorough version

Richard Jordan had the American dream bottled up in the perfect little container with a bow on top

He had a good job, a new house, a fiancée, everything a men is expected to want in life

Then his fiancée left him and he was left with a collection of shattered hopes and dreams

After a swift kick in his own ass, he decided to sell all of his possessions and travel across the United States……in a Lamborghini

91,807 miles and 53 speeding tickets later he arrived back in Dallas a changed man, a man who followed his dream and lived more in a few years than most people do in a lifetime

The moral of the story isn’t that you should sell all your possessions and attempt to break every traffic violation known to man, its to chase the things that really matter to you in life

Richard had a deep seeded passion for automobiles, and he could think of nothing he would rather do then spend every penny he had on a car that he fantasized about driving, and take it across the US in an adventure of epic proportions

That is exactly what you should learn from this story

Don’t simply acknowledge the fact that its really cool what he did, think about what it is you really want in life, what is it that you would love to do more than anything in the world?

What the hell is really stopping you?

Money? Time? Yourself?

Find a way to make it work, take steps every day towards following your dreams in life because you never know when your current situation might shatter to pieces

When asked why he went on this trip, Richard simply said,

“You’re never going to live up to anyone’s expectations, so you might as well live up to your own and for me that’s to be as free as you can. And if money doesn’t buy you freedom then it’s useless.”

Rock on Richard
