I’m Accrediting for Accreditation

Everyone has credentials


What about everything else you have done?

Do you have a resume full of strong life credentials

A life credential is defined as

Anything and everything in which you take a step into the exotic and unkown

How qualified are you?

Drop your BS and get some true accredidation


Do You Have a Right to Speak?

My uncle thinks that the government and local police are hiding behind every bush ready to jump out and latch the handcuffs of authority on any person they please

One of my best friends believes that if you don’t find a real job with real responsibilities then you will never make a name for yourself in the world

My father believes that the key to life can be found while nearly capsizing a boat while going over six knots

Everyone has a voice, an opinion, an idea, a dream, but what gives one person the right to speak over another?

Im not talking about the, “I know best because I’ m wiser, older, and smarter than you young whippersnapper” type of speaking, but rather the idea of voicing your ideas openly to the people who you can easily influence

Your friends, family, children, coworkers, all the types of people that have to listen to you and listen to your two cents worth even if your anecdotes are the equivalent of a Chris Farley movie

These people have to listen to what you have to say, even if they are really thinking about what is on TV that night when they are talking to you

Potentially horrible conversational skills aside, what gives you the right to speak about a subject?

Are you an expert?

Do you know more than they do?

Are you the vocal minority?

Do you care if you know more than the guy next to you?

Even the 52 year old virgin who can be found in his parents basement partaking in a World of Warcraft raid has a strong voice for certain things (even if they are virtual)

The point is that everybody is an expert in a one or many areas (hell I know I overly tote myself in a number of fields) but very few people can actually deliver the knowledge they have to another person

Having the right skill set to deliver the ideas and knowledge you have is just as important as knowing anything more than what 2 + 2 =

Instead of worrying about understanding more than the guy down the hall, or trying to impress your friends and family with your new found knowledge of cell phone wizardry, spend some time learning how to effectively communicate all the knowledge you have bottled up inside you

This can be done a multitude of ways

You can read a book, take a seminar, subscribe to a blog, find a mentor, or even make a commitment to do some public speaking and pick it up as you go along

The more you know about your area of expertise but the less you learn about how to effectively communicate it, the more retarded you seem to others

Don’t fall into the trap of knowing everything in the world but when you talk to people they tell you they fantasize about take a roll of duck tape to your mouth

This can also be true for critiques (yours and others) on any given day

Do you have a right to talk about them behind their back?

Do they have a right to talk about you?

Before you trek off to write you next expertly laced article or speak at a meeting of big heads, make sure you can hold your own when you talk to your mother or your best friend

Only after you can thoroughly engage your friend about your knowledge of how to properly eat a slice of pizza can you be ready to explain why the Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance has nothing to do with a motorcycle

Talk hard


The Worst Nutrition Advice Ever

It has been a long time coming for a nutrition post, at least a few months since I attempted to butt heads with what nutrition experts say and try and break broscience blogger’s spell over the minds of the many

I tend to leave this type of information out even though it’s an area of near expertise for me because, well, you can find plenty of good-not-crap information on the web yourself

You don’t need me on the soapbox for every little thing that happens in the world (as much as we would all like to see that 😉 )

My mother actually prompted this article when she recently came to visit me. She began to spew out nutritional recommendations and hearsay that literally made me want to rip apart every bag of protein powder I could

She made me realize that there is nutritional advice, and then there is broscience

Broscience is ideas about health and nutrition that have been propagated by the masses and the general media even though they as accurate as BP’s efforts to clean the oil spill

I decided to outline some basic facts that if implemented into your diet & exercise routine, you would see much greater results in a much shorter time frame then most meat heads. With much love and admiration to my mother, I also listed some of the “facts” she mentioned that I will briefly outline as to why they are full of crap (marked with atag)

1. Eating fat makes you fat

Ah I love this one

Everyone seems to worry about eating low fat. From dairy to meat and yes even fruits and veggies, fat is constantly viewed as the demon child in the general world of public nutrition

Let me promise you that eating full fat ice cream, avocados, buffalo, or even deep fried twinkles will not make you fat

Fat is one of the macronutrients you need in order to survive, and while some sources are far better than others and loaded with poly and mono saturated fats

Please don’t run out and load up on Ben and Jerry’s though because you will quickly fall victim to….

2. Calories in vs. Calories Out (Fact)

Ah, here is the real culprit as to why you will become fat

Everyone expends a certain amount of calories per day, and that is based on a huge list of factors from genetics to activity and even diet

At the end of the day, if you eat more than you utilize, you will gain weight

If you eat less than you utilize, you will lose weight

You cannot escape the law of thermodynamics; this is true no matter what kind of genetics you think you have

I suggest you find a decent daily calorie calculator online and find out how much you use and then test it for a week or so, that way you can tweak your calories on a weekly basis until you find out what your sweet spot is

Make sure you get a good variety of foods and please, for the love of god, do not fear

3. Carbs are the devil

Oh man, this is right up there with the fat one on the retarded-ness scale

Carbs do not make you gain fat faster, nor do they burn it faster, they don’t do your laundry and fortunately you need them in order to function properly as a human being

Carbs are another of those macronutrients that you need in order get your ass out of bed in the morning, and you need them for long term energy throughout the duration of the day

Do not jump on the low carb bandwagon and shock your body into ketosis, if you remember the golden rule of calories in vs. calories out, you can eat oatmeal, carrots, pasta, and whatever else to your hearts content as long as you are getting a good balance of your macronutrients. This is especially true if you follow the golden rule of

4. Move more, eat less (Fact)

Oh man, if I was to summarize all of the training, research, learning, and package it into a workout plan for getting America off the fast track to fastassdome, this would be it

If you want to lose weight and get in shape, you need to exercise (read move) more and eat less

If you combine this rule with the power of calories in vs. calories out, you will not only lose weight at an incredibly fast rate, but you will look and feel better much faster than your gym buddies

You don’t need to consume massive amounts of food and work out like a dog, hell you could not work out at all and lose a massive amount of weight by simply cutting some calories out of your day

This advice will certainly help you if you are trying to get be like the people on the covers of fitness magazines, unless of course you subscribe to the philosophy of

5. I need more PROTEIN

Why oh why do so many body builders think that they need massive amount of protein in order to gain muscle?

Why does the American public constantly worry about not eating enough protein so they decide to eat three 12oz steaks a day in order to make sure they grow up big and strong?

Answers may never become entirely clear, but what I can tell you is that you will never be in fear of protein deficiency

While protein is the third and final macronutrient that you need, the amounts that a person needs in a day are greatly inflated, and this is true for a stay at home mom and the next Mr. Universe

In order to build muscle you only need about .7g of protein per pound of body weight (and that is high balling it)

Most people can get by just fine on .4-.5 per day, especially if they are not trying to get “huge”

So put down the protein shake bro, and pickup some water, your waistline and your muscles will thank me later

Stay smart strong


A Matter of Enormous Significance

Seriously, I am beginning to believe that I am addicted to internet images that convey big messages in a simple way

Maybe it’s appealing to my inner minimalist, or maybe I really just wish that every book I read was a picture book, either way this latest foray into the world of random internet images is a winner

Feeling significant is believed to be one of the corners of human existence by many sociologists, behavioral therapists, and practically every self help guru with banana hands

As much as I like to go against the mold, I am inclined to agree with the “experts”

Beyond the obvious significance that can be found in the fact that your genetic code is one of a kind (I don’t exactly plan to showcase my DNA to the world, other body appendages being exposed would be more fun), your idea of who you are and what exactly you are all about will never directly coincide with another person

You may have friends, who say that you are just like their friend Mikey, or that if you shaved you grew your hair out you would look just like the guy from Twilight, but the fact remains that you are not these people, you are you

This is a seemingly daunting topic that many people understand  but ultimately brush off as, “self help bullshit” and continue to go about their lives in the most systematic way possible

What they don’t realize is that if they started to capitalize on their uniqueness and the abilities that come with it, they could create something amazing that otherwise would have never existed

A new type of career, an invention, a painting, a child, a song

It’s the people who realize that they have something to offer simply because they are significant (even if they have no rationale behind it at all) that make big changes to our planet

Its not as if Gandhi, Wayne Gretzky, MLK Jr, and that badass mofo who lives at the end of your block all have something better going for them than you do

That’s bullshit

You could lead a nonviolent movement and save the damsel in distress if you only realized that you were capable of it

So your on board with this concept, but what the hell should you do with it?

Do whatever you want

Start painting a huge mural, write a poem that will make women jump your bones, travel to Alaska and start a dog sledding company, play every computer game on the planet

Do something that you can own, something you want to do

Because even if someone has done it before, it will never be the same as when you do it

Be significant


Family Fourth

4th of July weekend is drawing near, and while many of us will down copious amounts of hot dogs, burgers, and beer, its also a weekend that is often filled with family activities.

Today I offer a simple though albeit single sentence of advice

Enjoy your time with your family

Uncle bobs regurgitated war stories and your great aunts cheek pinching aside, it behooves you to enjoy these precious moments (no matter how dreadful or painful they may seem now)

Enjoy your time with your family, partake in the 4th of July jubilee and above all else….

Have some fun

Don’t blow your hand off
