Screw You Tsunami

This picture says it all, and proves that perseverance and a light hearted attitude can make any situation worth living in.

Plus it s a big fuck you to the Tsunami

Happy Birthday!

Remember your last birthday?

Was it fun? Boring? Epic beyond human comprehension?

No matter if your birthday consisted of a solo trump through a park or an extravagant party with lots of friends, there is one underlying notion you assumed the entire day

“I am going to do whatever the hell I want because […]

Are You Happy? (A Simple Flowchart)

So I was wandering around the internet when I stumbled upon this hilarious and unique flow chart.

As you can see, this is not your office meeting’s typical graph of sales or customer satisfaction, but rather a chart that very bluntly and simply defines what it means to be happy.

While obviously there are […]

Change Your Vocabulary, Change Your Life

(Photo by Nick Tober)

“God I am so pissed off”

“Why do terrible things always happen to me”

“Today is going to be amazing”

“My life is like an adventure, I’m not sure what’s going to happen next”

When we get stressed we tend to lash out and use very negative and descriptive words […]

5 Reasons Why Smiling Can Change Your Life

(Photo by flickrgrit)

One of the most powerful assets in our ability to change our health, mind, and vitality can be found in something that we do every day

A smile

A smile not only looks good on anyone, but has many benefits that many people are not aware of that can help lead […]