Get Your Hustle On

What does it mean to hussle?

Urban dictionary tells us,

“To hustle” When someone has the gift of the gab and can talk anyone into handing over their credit card or bank details, so that they can make money.

Hussling is an art, and it can serve a purpose far beyond selling such extremities […]

Why Charlie Sheen is Better Than You

Everyone seems to be losing their shit over Charlie Sheen and some bullshit that no one really cares about.

Hell, I don’t even know what the hell he even did to cause this whole media gangbanging, but I do know that Charlie Sheen is winning.

Why do you ask?

Because you all give a […]

Emotionally Logical

Ever had a moment when you acted out of a specific step by step process, where every detail, step, and action was completely coordinated and executed to all expectations?

Had a situation where you lashed out, acted on impulse, did something so out of character that when reflecting on the turn of events you […]

Like a Phoenix From The Ashes: Picking Yourself Back Up

Ever felt like a supermodel jumped on your chest and injected your heart with a combination of Red Bull, cocaine, and vodka?

I have been there before, but this time it felt so much more invigorating.

Everyone has peaks and valleys in their lives, there is no such thing as the perfect person, with […]

False Confidence 101

False confidence, ever heard of the term?

You know the feeling when you can take over the world? That high you get when you feel as if you could stop a train with your bare hands even though you rationally know that you have the strength of a 5 year old child?

This is […]