False Confidence 101

confident dreams Chinese fortune cookie

False confidence, ever heard of the term?

You know the feeling when you can take over the world? That high you get when you feel as if you could stop a train with your bare hands even though you rationally know that you have the strength of a 5 year old child?

This is false confidence, and it’s powerful phenomena that will inevitably lead you to success.

In layman’s terms, false confidence is when you can trick yourself into believing your more of the shit than you actually are.

Essentially, you can have all the charisma of James Bond but have the social dexterity of a dungeon and dragons player. Better yet, have the sales panache of Donald Trump but in actuality have the knowledge of a used car salesman.

Think of it as faking it till you make it, on steroids.

False confidence is certainly the better end of the stick when it comes to options on how to view your progressive lifestyle.

Diluting yourself about how much you kick ass at life can help you achieve more than beating yourself up over nothing, or self loathing.

Self loathing is essentially the other end of the coin when it comes to self perception and action. You could easily drop the suave and pick up a nice heaping load of self hatred, hell, it might even be easier.

The simple route in life is to moan and groan about how many options you weren’t given in life, and to recluse to a cave far away from anyone who might shutter to see even the essence of your failures as a human being.

Obviously some people make that choice, but you are not one of those people.

Maybe you are 40 year old virgin who has never even kissed a girl, I promise if you start thinking and acting like a Casanova, you will become one. If you want to start on your path towards becoming the next host of the Today show, then you damn well better start acting as composed as Matt Lauer.

At the end of the day, that false confidence that you have been hiding from everyone for so long will eventually become real confidence, and the lowly Dungeons and Dragons master will have a bigger harem than George Clooney.

False becomes truth


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