Live Curious


I found this ad campaign on one of the many creative website that I visit on a daily basis for inspiration and general awesomeness. National Geographic is touting a brand new ad campaign designed around the idea of living curiously, and this got me thinking about the importance of this in real life.

What does it mean to live curiously?

Well that is a topic that is fairly straightforward in my opinion. It simply means that you should live your life with your head up and mind open. It means trying new things and being open to experiences that are way outside your comfort zone. Living curiously is something that I would place in the top 10 most desirable characteristics to have as a person, and while everyone is born curious in this world, many people lock up as they get older in age.

But you don;t have to relegate yourself to a life of mediocrity and constant routine, you can bring curiosity into the mix whenever and wherever you want. You could drive by that museum that you always see on the way home from work and decide to take a risk and actually go inside of it. You could order that one thing on the menu that you have never tried at your favorite restaurant. You could even go on a hiking adventure in the amazon and try to find new species of plants that have yet to be discovered by human eyes. The options and potential are limitless.

But why should you give a shit? I mean why should you even care about trying something different or living your life with your eyes, mind, and heart open? The answer should be obvious, but if not ill reiterate the point.

Being curious is the essence of living

trying out new things, rolling the dice, mixing things up, whatever you want to call it, it is a critical part of your life. Am I saying that all routines are bad? Hell no! I have many routines that I stick to on a daily basis like going to the gym, reading, writing, and other set time frames when I absolutely force myself to do the same activity over and over again. The problem isn’t with routines, but rather when your whole life looks like that movie that TNT keeps playing over and over again. You need to recognize the human need to mix things up, even if it is just a little bit. I promise it wont hurt, and it will actually feel kind of great.

Cheers to mixing things up


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