Why Cowboys Were So Badass and How You Can Be More Like Clint Eastwood


(Such a great shot. Its this kind of stuff that makes me want to break into photography)

I have always loved cowboys, the look, the lifestyle, the ability to run and gun and be just a few degrees shorts of being considered too much of a lunatic for the sexy damsel in distress. While I never really grew up watching the old cowboy movies, I found myself enthralled with hearing about their history in school and seeing such movies as Butch Cassidy, Open Range, and Tombstone (Clint Eastwood came later for me).  Recently I was flipping through the channels on my TV in an effort to find some form of background noise for reading that didn’t involve some girl and some guy having a catfight on a reality TV show when I saw that “Open Range” was on TV. I watched for a short while and quickly remastered the entire film in my mind and even got a warm feeling inside thinking about how badass these cowboys acted in this film and others like it. That’s when it hit me, being more like a cowboy could actually be pretty effective in the Starbucks laden world we live in, hell you could even learn to shoot those stupid mochafrap bullshit’s out of wandering business men’s hands.

So you want to be a cowboy? Or maybe you think I am a complete retard and are looking for me to post a picture of me in chaps riding a horse and looking like I just rolled out of a gay bar.

Hate to disappoint but being a cowboy probably has a lot more to do with the mindset and a lot less to do with the fashion. Though you are welcome to be a poser cowboy and join the myriads of men wearing cowboy boots and vests and trying to look like a badass (though coming off like full blown douche bags) or you could learn to actually BE a badass (this means you to girls, every guy likes a girl that can handle herself when the time is needed)

So what exactly does it mean to be a cowboy? An overwhelming amount of research pointed me to this cowboy Tao of sorts.

The Cowboy Code

  • The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.
  • He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.
  • He must always tell the truth.
  • He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.
  • He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.
  • He must help people in distress.
  • He must be a good worker.
  • He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.
  • He must respect women, parents, and his nation’s laws.
  • The Cowboy is a patriot.

The Code of the West

  • Live each day with courage.
  • Take pride in your work.
  • Always finish what you start.
  • Do what has to be done.
  • Be tough but fair.
  • When you make a promise, keep it.
  • Ride for the brand.
  • Talk less and say more.
  • Remember that some things aren’t for sale.
  • Know where to draw the line.

So yea this Cowboy code is pretty much one of the most badass things I have come across during my rummaging in the wasteland that is the internet. Some of the points are surely better than others, but the underlying concept behind all of this should read, “How to be a bigger badass in life” because I know very few people who follow through on some of these excellent points in this 10 step program to being a better cowboy.

The key is to live your life more slowly, seriously, and with more control. Have you ever seen a cowboy acting overly eccentric or spending 5 hours explaining something that could probably be summed up in 5 minutes or less? They exercise brevity, standards, passion, and action in everything that they do, and it’s because they consistently were known for this (movie cowboys or not) they have quite a bit to teach us about what it takes to live more fluidly and with purpose in society today.

Do I think you should pick up some chaps, learn to ride a horse, and gallop down Park Avenue waving your lasso? Yes, but only if you call me first so I can join you. Seriously though you know that if you implemented even a few of these concepts into your life that were previously lacking, you would see major benefits for yourself and the people around you.

Imagine if you did something as always telling the truth, how would this impact your life? Instead of telling your parents that you are doing okay in school, you could be honest and tell them that you are failing Social Studies because you hate the teacher and think that Abraham Lincoln was a tall freak. You would likely see an increase in your grade in the course by working through ways to boost your marks now that you are being honest about what’s going on in your class. What would happen if you aired some dirty laundry in your life and were forced to make changes? Do you really think your life would be worse?

What if you were tougher but still fair in life? Maybe then your spouse or boss wouldn’t feel as if they had the option of walking all over you and taking control of your life for you. What if your grew a pair and decided that the only person who has control over your life is you, and lay down your personal boundaries in a way that your significant other, or annoying boss gain more respect for you as a person

The options are limitless with this stuff. And if you think that cowboy’s are nothing but rednecks that killed Indians, you might be right. But if you think that this advice is bad and would not benefit your life in some aspect, you are full of bullshit.

Living your life with courage, toughness, a no bullshit attitude, pride, and a kind heart sounds like the person living the dream life to me, be it man or woman. It’s just a matter of taking your life under your control and taking ownership of everything that happens in it, just like the cowboys did in the wild west.

Just remember, take things slow and easy, don’t rush through life like today’s action stars and end up with more of a beating than you need. Take a moment to step back and take better control of your life, and live your life according to a high standard that you set, and always live up to it with no exceptions.

So the next time you find yourself in a situation that you know would be better handled if you had a metaphysical lasso and possibly a gun, just ask yourself,  “What would John Wayne do?” and take your life from there

Yippee Kay Yay Mother F$%^&*@


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