Creating A Personal Brand (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is)


So you have decided to be your own original brand and even create an awesome pseudo logo in order to commemorate your general awesomeness. Awesome, now comes the hard part. This is the final, and most important, part of this whole ridiculous exercise that I have had you do.

Anyone can decide who they ought to be like, and agree that being original and not another Heineken toting, football watching, and shopaholic redux version of Apple or Pepsi. But when it comes time to step up and stand up for what you and your brand are all about, many people reside to putting their tail between their legs and watching the box set of Friends like a good little boy or girl. I am here to tell you that your whole life is going to be a total cookie cutter joke if you do not stick to what you believe in and stand behind your personal brand 110%.

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Create A Personal Brand (I’ll Be Gentle)


In all my years of personal development, the one question that everyone tries to tackle for everyone else is the notion of, “Who am I?” Everyone who dares venture into the self improvement category of your local borders and begins to read the book synopsis is bound to lose their mind, literally. You could walk into a personal development aisle knowing that you loved being a firefighter and walk out not knowing left from right and questioning why the borders security team is asking you to step away from your fetal position at the base of the frappuccino machine.

Finding out who you are or define who you are trying to be by some fancy nouns or goals is a recipe for failure. Worrying about every single goal that you have and tyring to tackle them all in an effort to change your, “image” is like committing suicide. All of these personal development authors place way to much emphasis on find out out who you are and what your calling is. While it would be easier for someone to come down from he heavens and throw a dart at a board for you and determine the outcome of your life, it doesn’t quite happen that way. Instead a shift needs to happen in people where they stop looking and start creating your own brand for life (in a series of course). But how exactly does one look at their life like a Nike swoop or Ronald Mcdonald?

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Great Resources For Following Through In 2010

Hilarious phone on many levels

Hilarious phone on many levels

I know that New Years is old news for many people, and that many of you guys are already knee deep in your new resolutions for 2010. And besides me and every other website on the Internet beating to the same drum and trying to get everyone on the bandwagon for improving the quality of their lives from a 92 Pinto to something more reminiscent of a brand new Murcielago, it is imperative that us people in personal development capitalize on everyone and their new found motivation for getting shit done (however long it lasts 😉 ). So stepping down from my soapbox let me offer you guys my appreciation for making some changes in your life and taking some serious action towards making a difference, because if your not growing, your dying a slow and painful death by sedentary-ism (I love making up words).

So here are some tidbits from some articles I found online that outline some great steps for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions (a great supplement to my previous post) and a picture of a chart that showcases the New Year’s resolutions of many people across the US, and showcases where everyone’s motivation is at for 2010 (maybe you’ll get some new goals for yourself, I know I got some ideas of out it).

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