But I Just Wanted to Help

So you have this big shiny new plan for your life and you are super excited that you have actually started taking steps to making a reality of your wildest fantasy


You feel the need to spread the love to as many people as possible. Friends, family members, spouses, and even the homeless […]

Saving the World, One Purchase at a Time

Eco friendly bags

Recyclable lap tops

Hemp clothing (non smoke-able)

There is a trend that is overtaking our nation faster than a naked person getting attacked by sex addicts

The “Green Movement”

What is this movement you might ask?

This movement is about saving the environment, or at least that’s what its suppose to […]

Spreading the Wealth

(Great picture, lame message)

So let’s say that you are like Richie Rich in life

Maybe not with things, but more so with knowledge, skills, and relationships

Whether you are an expert on electronics, know how to easily create a work of art, or simple know how to drink a pitcher of beer in […]

Creating A Personal Brand (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is)

So you have decided to be your own original brand and even create an awesome pseudo logo in order to commemorate your general awesomeness. Awesome, now comes the hard part. This is the final, and most important, part of this whole ridiculous exercise that I have had you do.

Anyone can decide who they […]

3 Tips to Avoid The Christmas Crisis

Ah the holidays

Seriously who doesn’t love this time of year? The food. The friends. The family. The Gifts. Who doesn’t love the overall vibe and general awesomeness that occurs during the months leading to the new year? Hell even if you don’t have the same sugar and gum drops view of Christmas as […]