Growing Pains

Remember when you pondered how it would feel to grow to be as tall as your mom or dad?

You feared that one night, while you were sleeping, you would be attacked by some rabid growth monster and forced to dawn blue jeans and dress shirts and begin to complain how your coffee wasn’t damn near strong enough

Your fears never truly came to fruition, but somehow you still find yourself not only wearing blue jeans and button up shirts, but you still face the same monster that you only though came for you in your sleep

These are growing pains

As you make changes in your life, from something as small as turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth in hopes of passing some more H2O to your hommies in the ocean, to something as in depth as following a workout regimen that makes you want to kick Jillian Michaels square in the vagina, it is painfully awful to mix up your daily routines

These growing pains do come to an end however, when you are two feet under and bitching about how they served chicken fingers at your funeral. Only then will you be free from the growth as a human being

Satire and sarcasm aside, everyone is staring down the barrel on these pains at any given moment, including yours truly

Recently I have begun production on my second website. After acquiring the domain name and going through all the basic website prep work I was finally faced with my biggest fear

A blank website

For the last few days I have developing, redeveloping, and practically shifting the time space continuum in an effort to develop content and design the new website of my wet dreams

While my efforts have not been in vain, they certainly have made my interest in reading a travel blog written almost entirely in German skyrocket to no man’s land

But I continue to push forward and work on it every day for exurbanite amounts of time, because I damn well know that anything you want in life is worth fighting your ass off for, and maybe even losing your leg in the process

It’s important to realize that everyone goes through growing pains their whole life, and while many people might stick their tail between their legs with a faint resemblance to an erotic act, the true badasses of the world will keep moving forward

Push right through your pains in life, and I promise that you will either do something amazing or at least have a kickass story to write about on your blog

Keep on truckin’


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