New Thing + Me = Happier


How much do you want a new television?

Do you lust for a blue Tiffany’s box on your birthday?

Does the idea of spending 45,000$ on a Porsche excite you?

Whether obtaining new things really permeates your soul or not, the fact of the matter is that we have been taught that a Sony Viao, blue Tiffany’s box, or black Porsche will bring us joy.

You can point the finger at a number of likely culprits. From advertisers to human one-up-man ship to even the corporate powerhouses themselves, its easy to sit back and fire non sequiturs at the plethora of starting points for the consumer drive that resides within each and everyone one of us.

Instead of ranting, why don’t we question?

You could in fact, look upon the droves of people who make far more money than you, only to discover that they are more miserable than you are.

How is it that the golden incrusted layer that is the upper class of America has such a preconceived better grip on life than the rest of us?

If you look at the cracks, however, you will likely discover that all the Mercedes Benz and fur coats will not cover up wounds than run deeper than bone marrow.

Sure these toys can be fun, but they won’t make your life any better than it already was. Like putting a band aid over a shotgun wound, you are only ignoring the fact that your life as you know, is a disappointment.

Instead of trying to become to next big celebrity, or make it big on Wall Street, so you can have all the glory and toys, why not shoot for something as simple as a dream?

Something that you love, something that you spend hours watching, trying, using, and doing.

That drive will surpass any desire for anything tangible, as feelings > things.

So I ask you, dear reader, what do you want more?

A blue Tiffany’s box or a dream?


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