Music Methodology

I am so glad to be finally writing this post, it has been on my bucket list of things to write about for a long time

I always got caught up in the heat of the moment with some new idea, and often found myself neglecting the powerful insight that I received when I first thought about the power music has over us

But before I get all hot on bothered, let’s get on with the damn content right?

Remember when you watched the movie fantasia?

If you are to young to remember this epic Disney adventure, allow me to paraphrase

The movie is essentially a visual and audio based thrill ride that covers all the peaks and valleys of a person’s ever shifting moods. While this may sound like the career of Mel Gibson, it is in fact a beautiful ensemble of music and characters coming to life in a seemingly drug induced endeavor

There is one aspect of the film however that shines above the rest

The music

The orchestral notes in this film will break down a badass hell’s angel into tears and cause the biggest hippie vegans ripe with anger

Don’t even bother watching the film on mute, or any film for that matter, as all the dramatics will have the effect of a neutering job on a cast member of the real world

Music is one of the oldest forms of art, from early cave men creating flutes out of hollowed out bones to Kanye West and his painfully overused Auto-Tune

Music has withstood the test of time for many reasons, but one anecdote shines above the rest

Music has the profound ability to affect our moods

Whether you are depressed and want to continue feeling that way or are looking to amplify your high at a club, music is like heroin straight into your veins

Why is it that rich parent rejecting Goth kids love to band their heads to death metal and European’s who have a vigor for drugs and alcohol love to trance out to DJ Tiesto?

It is because music has the most profound and penetrating effect on every human being on the planet

It’s ability to amplify our feelings, or even change them completely makes music one of the first true drugs of society, a drug that anyone and everyone should use to their benefit

The most amazing sidestep behind this notion is that you already know this to be true

Whether you wanted to feel sad and you watched a sad movie or listened to a cranberries album, you set out to amplify you state of sadness by further immersing yourself in misery

Likewise when you were getting ready to go out on the town with your friends you didn’t find yourself jamming out to Marilyn Manson typically, but rather bobbing your head to your favorite rapper or new top40 hit

The beauty of music lies in the ability to use it to your will, you can use it equally as much to feel melancholy as you can feel jubilee, it ultimately comes down to your choice on how to use it

Consider this, the next time you are stressed out and are two steps from taking an ambient to relax, crank up your classical tunes and mellow out to some Moonline sonata by Beethoven

Likewise, if you are having trouble pushing yourself at the gym, consider turning the volume down on your rap and blasting some techno or death metal instead

As the hippies often say, “music has the power the change the world”

Amazingly, they got something right

Rock on


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