The Integrity Challenge


“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

-William Shakespeare

“I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day.”

-Abraham Lincoln

(This is a exercise developed by my friend Nathan that I truly believe everyone should use from time to time. It is especially useful when you are unsure of their current life situation and are feeling “in a rut”)

Live a life of integrity. That means knowing answers to these questions:

Who are you?
What do you value?
What do you want in life?
What do you want people to say about you when you’re dead?

So, write down 3 to 5 things for each of these items. If you write down a laundry list, you are doing yourself a disservice. This list should be 3-5 things EACH or you are missing the point. It should be simple. It should guide you.

OK. Take a minute, close your eyes, and filter out everything else going on around you. Make the room quiet for this, and give yourself permission to dig deep for a few answers.

1. YOU. What do you value about yourself and can never be taken away from you?
2. LIFE. What do you value about life and can never be taken away from you?
3. RELATIONSHIPS. What do you value about relationships and will never be changed?
4. MEN/WOMEN. What do you value about men/women that will never change?

Here is what I wrote when I first did this challenge

1. My never ending ability to push myself to new heights in any area of life, my creativity, my incredible sense of wit, my ability to see the best in everything and everyone, my ability to change lives through any means possible

2. The countless adventures and experiences that one person can have in a lifetime, the people in my life that support me and the people that I support, and a strong passionate connection with everyone on this planet (love)

3. What relationships can teach me about life, the uncanny ability for two partners in a relationship to grow together, the intimate connection with another person that cannot be shared with anyone else, but is understood by everyone

4. How much women care and love for everything they come into contact with, the sound of their laughter, the ultimate softness and tenderness of a woman’s body, a mother and their bond with their children

Write them down now and be sure to comment on your own choices here or write me an email

(Great video on integrity from “Scent of a Woman” with Al Pacino)

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7 comments to The Integrity Challenge

  • Song

    So what do I do if I don’t have the answers to those questions, despite being thinking about it for long?

  • @song

    Your best bet is honestly to truthfully as yourself the questions and come up with answers in the most honest way possible

    It might help to just list various character traits you admire in people, things you enjoy doing or would enjoy doing, and other things that generally make you happy in life, then try and determine which of the things you listed best fit into each question

    If you have any other questions let me know

  • Hey man this is an official post.

    Never seen that movie either… it looks powerful

  • @Magno

    Glad you liked it. The movie, “Scent of a Woman” is an excellent film that covers lots of good ideas like adulthood, integrity, honestly, loyalty, and friendship. Defiantly give it a watch

  • Ruthie


  • rocky

    hey gab really like your articles, if you wont mind could you sign em et the end? mostly i just select the block of text and print it and read it outdoors…so at least i will know who can i give credit for ideas in the future 🙂 anyways keep it up, great work bro

  • Most certainly, I’m glad you enjoy my content so much 🙂

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