7 Reasons Why You Should Go on More Vacations


(Photo by Patrick Smith)

White sand beaches of the Mediterranean

The most delicious and savory meals white sitting on a bungalow in the creoles islands

Going scuba diving in the Bahamas

Everyone loves going on vacations but yet many people don’t have the time, money, or ability to drop everything they are doing and get away for an extended period of time

I’m here to tell you that vacations are not only fun, relaxing, and exciting

They are also needed for you to be healthy, successful, and motivated human being

I want to show you why leaving the country, or even going to your neighboring country or state, can drastically improve the quality of your life

And have a little fun while doing it 🙂

Vacations are a necessary part of life

Even if you work 20 hours a week or 60, it is always a good idea to take a break once in a while

Now I know what you are thinking

“Everyone loves vacations, so why the hell are you making a list for WHY we should go on them? You might as well tell people how to drink or eat food”

While this is true, the simple fact is that many people are simply not going on vacations anymore

And while everyone loves the idea of vacations, fewer and fewer people are taking the time to actually embark on them on a daily basis

For many people a vacation simply means they are going to have more trouble getting things done for their job

“I never go on vacation,” said Ellen Kapit, a real estate agent in Manhattan. “And when I do, I have my computer, my Palm, my e-mail and my phone with me at all times.” (NY Times)

It is this all work no play mentality that causes people to get overstressed and generally more irritable on a daily basis

Here are a few reasons why you should take a a leave of absence from your job for a week or so

1.       Vacations are Healthy

As stated earlier, vacations are a healthy means of introducing relaxation and calmness into your life. When people go on vacations it has been shown to increase your immune system, slightly boost your metabolism, increase your overall energy, and even reduce stress in your life

2.       Why Not?

Instead of thinking of the many reasons why you shouldn’t go on a vacation (lack of finances, to much work to get done, family problems, etc) think of the many reasons why you should go on a vacation (you deserve a break, you love the beach, you want some alone time with your partner). By shifting your focus from why you shouldn’t to why you should you can gain a new perspective for why you should go on a vacation

3.       Improve and Expand Relationships

Spending time alone with someone in a new location is a great way to enhance intimacy and the strength of your relationships with your partner. Scientific studies have shown that time spent with someone in a location other than the home environment increase levels of Nero chemicals such as serotonin and progesterone, which lead to stronger bonds between you and your loved ones.  The more experiences and exotic locales you visits with your loved one, friends, or family the stronger the bonds you have with the people in your life.

4.       Vacation doesn’t have to mean lying on the beach all day

Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you don’t have to get anything accomplished (and no I don’t mean you bring your laptop and blackberry so you can write that expense report you’ve been putting off). Think of the many new skills you could learn while in a new location. Maybe your by a mountain trail and you always wanted to learn how to hike up mountain with a guide. Or you are by the beach and you have always been fascinated by surfing, but never had option to learn it. You can expand your skills sets and experience new adventures that could not be done in your home

5.       Rest and Relaxation

This is the most obvious one. The ability to lie down on the beach, or sit in a hot tub, or even lay down at night and gaze at the stars for hours are all at your fingertips. Studies have shown that people who vacation typically are less likely to have anxiety and have an increased ability to relax at any given moment. Feel free to sit back and relax.

6.       Adventure and New Experiences

Everyone loves variety. Vacations offer and endless amount of new experiences and variety from your normal life. You have the ability to escape from your normal existence and try new and exciting things that may even be out of character for you, but that’s what makes it all the more invigorating and memorable. Every new and varying experience we have in life adds a new story in the book that is our life, and the ability to cram as many exciting and thrilling adventures in that book is all at your fingertips while on vacation.

7.       Escape and reconnect (help better your work later)

Did you know that going on vacation can actually help you get more done at your job? Having a chance to escape and gain fresh outlooks on your daily life can allow you to see new opportunities and prevent future problems. Sometimes after you work on the same project for weeks on end, you become angered and frustrated at even the mention or notion of working on it any further. After you go on vacation and step away from your important work you can reassess what you have been doing and allow yourself to make more informed decisions when you return to work energized and relaxed form your soothing vacation.

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