What Are Your Goals For The New Year?


Maybe its just me, but this year seems to be the biggest year yet when it comes to motivation for getting shit done in my life that is important to who i am and what I want to become.

As a result, I have been working on and constantly developing a list of goals for this year and beyond (because having only short term goals is seriously a waste of time). As a result i have been developing a plethora of lists that will serve as launching pads for ideas and major action that I have been and will continue to take in my life. In a moment of triumph at the gym yesterday, I deiced that it would be epically awesome if I not only posted my latest revisions to my personal goals for this year, but to ask you guys what your big plans are for 2010+.

So just in case you are slacking and have not begun to work on your New Year’s resolutions or haven’t even made a list of goals for yourself, fear not, I will not be chasing you down the street with a pitchfork and torch in hand. I simply want you to read through my current list of goals for this year and see if maybe you can kick your brain out of its coma and figure out some of the things that you really want to do for yourself.

Gabriel’s 2010 Goal Sheet (A Constant Work In Progress)

-Do a marathon of sorts (walk then run/bike, others too)

-Minimalize life
100 possessions
Simple fashion
Simple design
Simple but filling life
Spend less enjoy more

-Start a business

-Gain 15 pounds of muscle by 2011
Maintain single digit body fat whole time

-Get a serious girlfriend

-Get trip to Europe/(or)Japan finalized, see as much as you can and finalize costs and locations and gear needed along with where (book plane ticket in next two months)

-Move to Austin

-3x my income while maintaining same amount of less of hours worked per week

-Setup new investments

-Read at least 3 books a month, every month

-Get a job as a nutritionist/health consultant/work for health food store

-Write video game/book/novella/script and finish it by end of 2010

-Write/create drink book with names pics and recopies

-Write Raw food cook book

-Learn to be an excellent cook (using mostly raw and healthy foods, but be diverse and not absolute)

-Develop a raw/nutrition/fitness website

-Business plan developed for myself (for life and work)

-Budget my life and setup monthly/yearly reports to know exactly what I’m spending, invest 25percent income, pay debt. Save and maximize wealth

-Serious Girlfriend by end 2010

-Reconnect with my masculine core

-Be more open and friendly and relaxed with everyone. Become an overall better person who is more loving and passionate, better listener, don’t interrupt people etc. Extend this to strangers and make new friends and meet new people (men and women)

-Get back into mediation/yoga

-Give more (be more of a philanthropist)

-Become certified nutritionist and read all the details of all my books/resources/eBooks (china study, blogs, etc, understand the science of why foods work)

-Create an elaborate timetable of goals for the new year (with dates/times/mini goals/etc)

-Learn to speak Spanish

-Finish my two books

There you have it, and believe it or not, this is just a small taste of the goals I am working on for the New Year. I will be elaborating more in a later post on how to determine what things truly motivate you and how to create a bucket list for your life, that doesn’t not give you an excuse to not read through this simple list and come up with some of your own ideas right now. And remember that any thought without action is nothing more than mental masturbation, so get out there and make things happen.


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