Travel Channel Much?

One of my biggest vices is the travel channel

Back when I had TV I loved watching nearly everything on this channel, from eating contests on Man vs Food to Anthony Bourdain making a mockery of everything he laid eyes on

One of the main reasons I enjoyed watching this channel so much was […]

The Day of Glory is Nearing

(Photo by Rlnaen)

I thought I would give you guys an update as to what I have been up to over the last few days so that A) I assure you that I have not yet been abducted by Swedish super models who will cater to my every whim and that B) I have […]

7 Reasons Why You Should Go on More Vacations

(Photo by Patrick Smith)

White sand beaches of the Mediterranean

The most delicious and savory meals white sitting on a bungalow in the creoles islands

Going scuba diving in the Bahamas

Everyone loves going on vacations but yet many people don’t have the time, money, or ability to drop everything they are doing and […]

Simple Tips To Go On An Exotic Vacation For Next to Nothing

(Photo by Giuseppe Finocchiaro)

Paris, Sydney, London, Hawaii, Greece

Everyone dreams of traveling to the most exotic locations on the planet with the idea of beautiful white sand beaches under their feet. Or the chance to drink fine wine under the Eiffel tower during the moonlight

A trip up north or to the town […]