Zen Flow Chart

The Moral High Ground

At last it is time to reveal to an unwitting world the great game of Moral High Ground. Moral High Ground is a long-playing game for two players. The following original rules are for one M and one F, but feel free to modify them to suit your player setup:

1. The object of […]

Coming of Age

There comes a time in every man’s life when he has to suck it up and fall down the rabbit hole

This can meaning anything from embarking on an unsettling adventure to pulling the trigger on your comfortable job for something completely outside your comfort zone.< Since today we are nearly all blessed with [...]

Screw You Tsunami

This picture says it all, and proves that perseverance and a light hearted attitude can make any situation worth living in.

Plus it s a big fuck you to the Tsunami

The Power of Persistence Poem

I want to sit here and spool you a story my dear friend

I once knew a man who wanted everything, but couldn’t do anything

He decided to say, “to hell with it all” and decided to give it his all

He tried and tried and […]