What Top Chefs Can Teach You About Being A Better Professional

I had a strong revelation recently, it started when I was reading Kitchen Confidential and culminated during a conversation I had with a head chef at a notorious restaurant down here in big hair country.

It was mentioned that,

You can teach someone to do anything, but you can’t teach character.

My head practically […]

How to Make Shit Happen

Step 1

Decide what you want in life

Step 2

Figure out what steps need to be taken to make your dream a reality

Step 3

Make a commitment to yourself and everyone within earshot that you are going to perform action X until you receive result Y.

Step 4

Further to strengthen your […]

Emo(tional) Rooms

I love the title of this article, even if it has nothing to do with whiny preteens being upset that their life is so miserable with their 2009 Jeep Wrangler and complete lack of Abercrombie apparel.

So if I’m not talking about kids getting overly emotional and crying in a corner of their room, […]

Growing Pains

Remember when you pondered how it would feel to grow to be as tall as your mom or dad?

You feared that one night, while you were sleeping, you would be attacked by some rabid growth monster and forced to dawn blue jeans and dress shirts and begin to complain how your coffee wasn’t […]

Music Methodology

I am so glad to be finally writing this post, it has been on my bucket list of things to write about for a long time

I always got caught up in the heat of the moment with some new idea, and often found myself neglecting the powerful insight that I received when I […]