Attack Of The Robots From Outer Space

Do you ever fear a pending attack from giant robots in outer space?

Probably not

Do you ever fear that you might find yourself in in a coffee shop with no iphone, gps, laptop, or even a watch?

I may have just sent shivers up your spine

Recently I just got a brand new toy to play with, you know, the phone with the robots and the big red check-mark? Yeah, that one

I have been using a smartphone for over two years now, and as a whole it has really helped me out over the years

Aimless Internet browsing got me through the mind numbing, soul sucking, head banging college courses

Google maps helped me find that one apartment complex that otherwise would have remained buried behind a local burger joint

Jamming out to Armin Van Buuren has never been easier with my trusty phone in my pocket and two weights in both of my hands

My phone served as my lifeline for a lot of different things and played the role of my primary mp3 player, phone, calendar, note taker, gps, and even printer of hundred dollar bills

But in lust for technological superiority, did I become codependent?

Could I leave my phone at home and not frantically wonder when the next twitter update was going to come in?

What would happen if I didn’t hear about the next great deal on slickdeals before it became expired?

My life would be over as I knew it……or would it?

What if I always had my phone on silent

What if I only looked at my phone when I needed it, and not the other way around?

What if I viewed my phone as a tool and not my lifeline?

What if when I went on vacation to Japan I decide to leave my *311 at home?

Much like the pending attack of robots from outer space, you will likely have a much greater fear and discomfort in relation to leaving your phone at home in place of having to grab a ray gun and point it at the nearest giant mechanical beast

I propose a challenge to you

Leave your big screened, death gripped, and overall OCD device at home the next time you head out

You just might find that not getting the update about the pending robot invasion may be the best kind of news you don’t get all day



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