You Don’t Have to Be Gandhi to See the Best in People


(Photo by Shrimaitreya)

People are very quick to judge in this day and age

Even if you don’t want to admit it, we all have done it from time to time

You see a homeless person on the street and think, “Wow did he ever !@#$ up”

You witness a man getting rejecting by a woman at a bar and laugh to yourself, “what a loser”

You see someone cleaning up trash and think, “What a bad job, why does he do that?”

We all have been partners in crime in the down trotting of others at some point, and everyone can admit that it’s not the best asset we have as human beings

But no worries

I have developed a technique that allows you to instantly see the best in people, and thereby increase the positivity in your life and in the lives of others

Gandhi was one of the most influential forces that occurred in the eastern hemisphere of the globe

His passive resistance and adherence to nonviolent protest forever changed the countries of the middle east, but also set an example for human beings around the world

While everyone appreciated Gandhi and what he has done, very few people are running around in white handmade linen and discarding all worldly possessions in order to help sustain peace around the world

And that’s fine, because one of the major concepts that Gandhi understood, if everyone else in the world practiced, would drastically change the world we live in today, and well into the future

Gandhi and many other human rights leaders all understood one fundamental truth

That everyone is equal

They understood that everyone on this planet is equal in value, and that no one person is better than another despite what possessions, power, health, or even state of mind they hold in difference to another person on this planet

I know what you are thinking, “I don’t hold any prejudices towards anyone, and I support affirmative action, and I to believe in the teachings of Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and other human rights leaders”

That may very well be true, but what we are striving to is isn’t to abolish all prejudices that may or may not exist (though that is a amazing cause I believe in) but rather to influence that way you view people that you see in day to day life, even your friends and family that you may pass judgment on if but only for a brief moment

When you pass judgment is happens in an instant, without even thinking about it

Because it is a human reflex in so many of us, it is better to change the result of what our reflex entails instead of trying to abolish reflex itself

In order to do this I need you to think of people you have passed judgment on in the past week

(I know you have, everyone has)

Maybe your sibling made some dumb comment and you thought, “what an idiot”

Maybe your spouse was complaining to you about how you left the seat up on the toilet for the millionth time and you thought to yourself, “Man is she annoying”

Or maybe you just saw some person at a mall drop their shopping bags all over the ground and you got a laugh out of how clumsy they were

What you need to do is picture the instance in your head and visualize it happening again

But instead of readdressing your previous negative reflex, look at the person and determine some great quality about them

It can be anything

Maybe they have great hair, or they look like might a fun person to hang out with, maybe they have some attractive physical features, or even recognize that it’s a person that you love and care for

Whatever it may be, you need to shift your focus from the negative initial feeling to this new positive aspect of the person

You will find that you will smile at the situation and be happy, instead of any other negative emotion that initially occurred

You can utilize this on more than a small scale as well

Try going to a public area, and view the hundreds or even thousands of people all around you

Seek out people that you would normally pass instant judgment on

And shift your focus

You will begin to notice that viewing everyone walking around feeds you with nothing but positive emotions

You can’t help but feel good when you look around at all the different people around you

This is a step towards being a more positive human being, and you will find that by being more positive and non judgmental of the people around you, you will be rewarded with more positive things in your life

That person that you may have normally brushed off with judgment, may offer you your next best job

Or an opportunity for a new and exciting relationship

The options are endless

And the potential is limitless

Go out and see the best in people, and watch your perspective on life shift to new amazing heights

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9 comments to You Don’t Have to Be Gandhi to See the Best in People

  • Pistol Pete

    i look at everyone as being made up of the same soul and that some more than others are just more in touch with their own soul.

    it’s a belief that seems to allow me to look past peoples surface differences and see others as equals. having a sense of my personal morality is getting more and more important to me at this stage in my life for some reason.

    nice post.

  • thisguy

    Great post, I’m gonna do this

  • Steev

    I’ve actually been trained in diversity awareness as it’s a necessary part of my work,
    though I find it difficult because I’m naturally quick to judge so it takes practice.
    I find it even more difficult to implement in the outside world because I tend to leave
    my work ethic behind in the workplace.
    But yeah, it’s a good trait to have as obviously many people don’t when you look at
    all the prejudice, racism, xenophobia etc in the world.

  • Tyler

    Good stuff, man.


  • @ Pistolpete

    Awesome man, sounds like you are well on your way to seeing the best in everything and everyone you do. Thanks for your thoughts

    @ Thisguy

    Awesome man, I really think youll see a difference in the quality of your life and the lives of others

    @ Steev

    I find most people are predisposed to acting this way, and in order to overcome it you need to
    1) Recognize that is an issue in your life that is preventing you from growth
    2) Take immediate and consistent action in order to combat it

    That’s great that they train you at your work, I wish more programs like that existed. It’s great you recognize the positive aspects of this and it seems that you have already completed step 1 as I listed above, and started step 2. In a short time you too will be preaching non violent protest and pouring salt into the sea 😉
    Thanks for your comment

    Glad you enjoyed my post, appreciate the feedback

  • asian caucasian

    your website is top notch man…. alot of value in those articles….. Keep up the good work man…..

  • @asian Thanks, I’m glad so many people are getting value out of my website

  • Last evening I began reading the Essential Writings of Gandhi. I’m looking forward to getting to know this great man better. Thanks for this article.

  • @Valerie

    Awesome, I think you’ll find his teachings to be very insightful and interesting. Thanks for your praise

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