Motivation 101 with Al Pacino

This is Al Pacino giving an amazing speech during the film, “Any Given Sunday” in which he motivates his team by telling them about the inches in life, and how you need to fight for those inches so you can achieve your dreams.

Find the inches that mean something in your life, whether they are […]

Laugh and Learn: 8 Quotes by Famous Comedians

Whether we are out seeing the latest in greatest in stand-up comedy, having a few good laughs with friends, or even seeing the next reincarnation of American Pie, everyone loves a good laugh

While comedians and their jokes offer a great escape and chance to unwind after a long day of filing TPS reports […]

5 Motivational Songs to Kick Start Your Day

Here is a list of 5 songs that really help me get into the right frame of mind for doing the things that I know need to be done in order to improve my life. Whether I am at the gym and need to push myself to the next level, getting the extra push to […]

Change Your State in 7 Minutes

In honor of my upcoming trip to San Jose, CA for the Anthony Robbins Unleash The Power Within seminar, I thought it would be appropriate to put up a clip showing a taste of what his 50 hour (yes that is not a typo, it is 10-12 hours a day for 4 days straight) conference […]

10 Quotes That Zeus Would Be Proud Of

(Photo by Eleni)

The ancient Greeks are credited with paving the way for many of the concepts, inventions, and ideals we use today. When they weren’t telling the story of 300 (Battle of Thermopylae), and paving the way for every teenage boy in America to run around shirtless screaming, “This is Sparta!” they were […]