Quotes that Actually Mean Something Episode 4

Life is to short to not have a good time

Is there really any explaining of this?

For all of the bullshit than can and will happen to you in your life, life is way to short to ever allow anyone or anything to put you in the poor disposition.

I say to hell […]

Emotionally Logical

Ever had a moment when you acted out of a specific step by step process, where every detail, step, and action was completely coordinated and executed to all expectations?

Had a situation where you lashed out, acted on impulse, did something so out of character that when reflecting on the turn of events you […]

Life is Fire: Just a Man, More than Enough

Ever had a day where you feel like all you have is two feet on the ground and you feel like today was a fucking good day?

That’s how today was.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am usually in a good ass mood, but today I was fucking on fire.

It was like […]

How Not To Completely Loose Your Mind: Personal Standards

One of the biggest conflicts that one can struggle with is the notion of, “keeping up with the Joneses”

In case you have been living in an underground vault for the past century, it basically means that you are in a constant battle to have as much as the guy living next door to […]

The Never Ending Story

What do you do when your whole life revolves around wanting to be something greater than yourself?

When all you care about is doing something bigger, better, and more amazing than the next guy?

If your drive in life revolves around making your life a never ending upward trapeze act?

Depression is the answer […]