Being Angry Doesnt Make You Right


Ever been in a situation that caused your blood to boil to hell levels? Where you were absolutely certain that you were right and that the other person was wrong, despite any extenuating circumstances?

Of course you have, we all have (unless your full of shit).

Angry and irate people exist in nearly every facet of life. We run into them at grocery stores, at work, and even with family and friends. Often times we are at an impasse as to why  or how this person is so irate, unless it is us who is so, “sick of this bullshit”.

The vocal minority is always the group that gets the most coverage in life, from family gossip to Dateline, everyone loves a good tounge thrashing even if the deck is stacked in favor of the passive (dare I say happy?) party.

The angrier these people get, the more in the right they believe they are, no matter what circumstances have unfolded.

A person hits you with their car while riding a bike? You shouldn’t be riding in the street.

You are given a hamburger with sauce when you clearly asked for no sauce? Obviously that counter worker is not competent enough to run the burger counter.

The angry always get blinded by emotion, and as a result, never make rational or proper decisions. Essentially, all angry people and everything they say should be taken with a grain of salt and generally ignored until they can regain their composure.

Vivid emotions do not propgate truth, so it is best to step back when you, or another person is angry, and really try to understand what is occuring before you try to bite the head off the nearest human being.

Rational is better


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