How Your Fear of Cliff Diving Can Tell You More About Yourself Than You Wanted to Know

cliff diver in quebrada

Have you ever found yourself looking at a person spending nearly every waking minute of their lives at a desk doing the same monotonous tasks and wonder how they haven’t committed hari kari yet?

Did you ever get a chance to look at a person who spends their whole life living on the road and wonder how this person hasn’t shacked up with a local hillbilly or start a business in order to make something of their lives?

Everyone has fleeting thoughts and passes judgment on others, its shitty, but its human nature for most people.

What is most interesting is finding out what dastardly group you belong to

Are you the type of person who loves to keep everything in place? Do you loose your fucking mind if your porcelain cats are shifted out of place on the mantle? Does the idea of knowing exactly what is going to happen for the next week give you shivers of pleasure down your spine?

Or are you of the other camp?

Do you fantasize about dropping everything that you are doing and moving to Southeast Asia in order to pursue your dream of being a male host? Do you get hot and bothered at the mere mention of living out of a backpack and jumping from one gringo location to the next? Do you day dream about cliff diving?

The two polar opposites in this comparison of personality types boil down to two simple terms

1)      Certainty, routine, and pattern lifestyles

2)      Uncertainty, unpredictable, pattern lacking lifestyles

Most people don’t play exclusively for one team, this isn’t a sports rivalry

The vast majority of people flirt with both ends of the spectrum, but everyone has one side that they prefer more than the other.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that my love of travel and the unknown makes me the poster child for the uncertain life.

The same blinding truth can be applied to people like my father, who thrive in having control of their surroundings and knowing exactly when they can perform their daily routines.

One side isn’t better than the other, they are just different

The key is understanding which team you would rather play for if lines were needed to be drawn in the sand.

If you know that you love packing up your life and jumping into the unknown, then you can understand that being put in those situations more often will server to benefit you. The same can be said for the other side of the coin.

So what is it mate?


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