It’s All About Belief, Right?

I know that it is all about knowing, not belief.

Belief is the vehicle and the GPS. That is the compass to the knowing, which is a direct result of experience. The belief is the frequency to the manifestation, the path to experience, which then creates the most powerful state of knowing.

If you would like to bring to you, all the things you want in life, I think it is very important to understand the difference between what you know, and what you believe. A belief is something that has certain characteristics, and a knowing has certain characteristics.

1. Beliefs are handed to you, knowings are from within.

Which means belief has doubt attached to it, and knowing has none. It comes from within, from your direct experience.

2. Beliefs will let you down in the time of crisis, knowings never let you down.

The reason a belief is something you cannot rely upon is the doubt that is attached to it. Where as “what you know”, what you absolutely KNOW, for example: How to ride a bycicle.. When a crisis comes along, you will not be let down.

3. Your beliefs are mental exercises, your knowings are physical exercises.

Your beliefs are located in the mental realm as thoughts that you constantly reinforce. These are strictly mental exercises. You constantly practice these until they become your reality. That is a reality that is based upon your doubt that is attached to these beliefs.

You may believe that people shouldn’t wear jewllery, or have tattoos, or people are evil if they dont attend church. These kind of beliefs will influence your conduct, and cause you to judge others.

Your knowings are located in the physical domain. Even though it originated in the mental. When you know something, it is a part of your total being. That as you absolutely know as certainty, such as riding a bike, is a part of your celluar being. It resides so deeply within you, that it is in the cells of your humanity. That which you once only believed, because it was given to you from some external source, has now been transformed into a knowing.

4. A belief will restrict you, a knowing will empower you.

Again, the reason a belief will restrict you, is that doubt that is attached. Therefore when you go to act upon it, you do it sort of tenously, with just a little bit of reservation, so there is a restriction. Where a knowing, will empower you. It is the difference in knowing about god, and knowing god. Knowing about god is a belief, where knowing god…just is.

5. Your beliefs are all transitory, while your knowings are eternal.

Think about some of the beliefs you have had, and how they have shifted over the years. Remember when people were SHOCKED to see men wearing long hair, and earings…

So our beliefs about things, are very transitory, and shifting all the time, but what you know is with you forever….

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